Josh Sleep alias Crowfeather Alias JS, alias Josh.Hunter.S…is hard to define but some say he is a neo/futurist in terms of his radical surfing style. As a painter/ artist he is known as a lyrical postmodernist. A damn fine goofy footer from Byron Bay who approach is original, unique and inspiring. Crowfeather is Inspired by 70s countercultural icons such as Spreckles, Lynch, Dora, Hendrix and Bertlemann. Josh’s brand is beyond definition. He is sponsored by Afends.
Pace/Sweat/Helmet teeth/ or simply Robbie is well known world wide as a waterman proud of his Koori heritage. Ed has been friends with Pagy since day one and was shaping him twin fins in the 70s before he embarked on his pro surfing career which was a wild ride that culminated in him winning the Pipeline Masters in 1988. Rob has also won World titles,NSW titles, and Australian Titles. He test rides a whole range of equipment and is a veteran of 24 North Shore winters. If you ever get the chance to engage Rob in conversation you will never be the same. Go the pace.

Jake/Gus hails from the mighty Sandon Point on the south coast of NSW and has been riding Ed’ shapes since he was a young teenager. A former professional surfer who still competes he is known as one of the most ferocious competitors of his generation. His credits include the Australian and European Pro Juniors, World amateur titles, victories over Tom Curren, Rob Machado and Kelly Slater. Jake recently won Australian surfing titles and The Byron Bay Easter classic. Jake is consummate power/stylists and is along with Rob Page, ESP surfboards longest serving team member.
Steve or Millsy is one of Australia’s most stylish long boarders power surfing speaks for itself in all conditions. A native from Byron Bay he has made many finals in the Australian and NSW circuit. Steve has been designing hi performance longboards with ESP for many years and has a couple of great designs that suit young and old. He is well known as a consummate waterman and recently won the Australian lifeguard of the year award. He can be found at dawn surfing with ED and the other dawn patrollers out around the Cape.

Shindig as he is known originally hails from South Africa but grew up surfing in West Oz. John recently won the Australian Titles on Longboards and on short boards in his age division. A well-known competitor and free/surfer, Johnny is also one of Australia’s finest coaches working with the Solitary Island surfing School.
Jason is well known from the south coast to Byron as a creative individual who epitomises the surfing lifestyle. His band Drop Legs with whom he is the drummer is constantly touring and recording .They all surf and are supported by ESP surfboards. Jason also is an agent for ESP and designs boards with his unique artwork.

Micheal Black or Blacky is a Bryon Bay local who rips on a longboard and shortboard. His sense of style and timing take us back before bunny hops, whick wack and claims made it on the scene. Black takes the wave on its merits even when he is out surfing the Pass and there are a million trippers trying to burn each other. He gets the waves he wants and gildes, rebounds and carves from the rock to Clarkes all seamlessly. Go the Black.
Jai Ryan hails from a land of hippies,sugar cane and right hand point breaks but he is a wild goofy footer. Thats why he has been to Indo more times than you and me. One of the most stylish and radicalsurfers you’ll ever have the pleasure of watching. Jai is more underground than a cave and is more likely to frown on the strange goings on in the ego centered world of sponsorhips and board decals. Jai is beyond soul , hip or any postmodern naming devices you try to give him. A raw down to earth individual who does his own thing endlessly.

Ed is a Maori surfer from Taranaki who I surfed with everyday for years here in Bryon. Ed is a complete waterman and can ride anything and as a Maori elder surfer he has returned to his spiritual home back in NZ in the heart of the Taranaki coast. He lives on the ocean a few headlands away from a world class wave and plenty of secret ones. Ed puts the core into the heart of Taranaki surfing. I still make boards for him and I go to NZ a lot myself.
Rex is an indigenous surfer who lives in Kempsey and surfs Crescent Heads and before that Cronulla then Wreck Bay. I have made boards for Rex for years and he was a Doolagahs team man for one of my Koori friends Shane Martin. Rex is a great dancer, artist and surfer. He is has a great connection to country and the ocean. So if you ever see him carving it up say hi Rex and talk story because he has some great ones.

Let’s chat about you’re new board
Contact Ed today about a new custom shaped board, call or text and make an appointment to visit the factory where Ed can get a feel for you and what you’re hoping to get out of your new board.